26.11.2023 News, Press relase

Ruka Nordic World Cup finished in cold weather at mass starts

The Ruka Nordic Cross-country World Cup was finalized on Sunday with a 20km skate mass start.

The women’s winner was Moa Ilar, with her first victory in World Cup competitions. After Ilar, podium places went to USA’s Jessie Diggins and Rosie Brennan.

Finnish performance was not as good, and the best ranking belonged to Vilma Ryytty, who placed 28th in the competition.

“I know I’m in good shape for freestyle competition here in Finland. Not as good of a start to the season as I’d like, but still, I believe in myself and my chances to succeed.” Ryytty said after the race.

Krista Pärmäkoski and Kerttu Niskanen had a bad showing and didn’t make the top 30. Pärmäkoski placed 31. and Niskanen placed 32. Rebecca Immonen was better expected, placing herself 33, right after Pärmäkoski and Niskanen.

There was also drama in the last lap of the race when Ebba Andersson from Sweden kicked a stick from Jessie Diggins’s hands. Diggins also lost her glove and had to ski to finish without it in really cold weather.

In the men’s 20km competition, Jan Thomas Jenssen was a first-time World Cup winner. The second place went to Michal Novak, which was also an excellent ranking for him. Harald Oestberg Amundsen was third at the podium. The best performance from Finland was Remi Lindholm, ranking 12. Iivo Niskanen was right after Remi, place 13.

“Skiing was better than I expected from myself. Freestyle isn’t my best style to compete.” Niskanen commented.

Mass start was predicted to be a tough battle, but no significant crashes occurred. 

World Cup continues with cross-country competition in Jällivaara, Sweden 2.-3. December.

Text: Veera Kasila / Teemu Kotsalo Kuva: Teemu Moisio

Watch today’s 3rd Rosie Brennan interview after the race

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