25.11.2023 News, Press relase

Riiber dominates Day 2 at Ruka – race format changed back to traditional Gundersen

The top name on Saturday was Jarl Magnus Riiber. Riiber improved on his second-place finish from yesterday by winning the ski jumping section and skiing stylishly to a clear victory.

Riiber and Austria’s Johannes Lamparter made the longest jumps of the competition with leaps of 143.5 meters. In the third place after the Jump section was Germany’s Terence Weber.

Behind the leaders, in eighth place, lurked yesterday’s fastest skier, Julian Schmid. However, Schmid had to start with a disadvantage of just over two minutes.

However, Riiber’s skiing speed on Saturday evening was so impressive that no one could challenge him. He increased the gap to Lamparter as the competition progressed and ultimately crossed the finish line with a difference of 53 seconds.

In addition to Riiber and Lamparter, the podium was completed by Jorgen Graabak, who finished third as he did yesterday.

For the host nation´s athletes, the day did not unfold like yesterday, as the best Finn, Eero Hirvonen, finishing in 19th place. Hirvonen was the fastest on the skiing track today. 

Nordic combine continues tomorrow with a mass start at 10am.

Watch Joergen Graabak’s interview on YouTube HERE! 

Results HS142/10km

Text: Laajasalon Opisto / Hiski Kosunen Kuva: Kuusamon Opisto / Juha Turpeinen

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